I have no experience writing about volatile topics. So, I guess I will love this.
A lot of my friends agree that terrorism and Islam go hand in hand. They tell me extremism is a feature of Islam and that most terrorists are muslims.
I do not exactly agree. That is like saying that all Nepalese are bloodthirsty because the party in power sees fit to allow its cadres to kill. That is like saying that Hindus are extremists because some of their saints say they want to wage war, because they believe Krishna preaches war. For crying out loud, there are bad interpretations of the Bhagwad Geeta and then there is this!
Is any of the above true? Why is one community so singlemindedly singled out? They say Christians do not wage terror wars!
The Ku Klux Klan is one obvious example. Their hatred spans all over the planet to involve blacks, Catholics, Jews, gays and other religious minorities. The only people fit to live, and to rule are White Protestants. Christian Fundamentalism during the 1920’s is what helped the Klan grow to over 4 million members by 1925.
Their atrocities do not need to be documented. How is it so different from Bin Laden?
Not all Christians would do these things, just as not all Muslims are dead set on killing non-Muslims. In fact, most of my friends frown upon groups like the Klan, Nazis or Taliban. But they somehow still manage to convince themselves that terrorists are Muslims? Terrorists have often shown, and reinforced it over and over - they are of no colour, of no race, of no religion, but follow one truth - get to top of the hill before others, not by working for it but by slaughtering anyone who threatens to outpace you.
The next example will hit a lot closer to home. We know about Sri Lanka. It is Hindu terrorists fighting against a largely Buddhist government. We are supposed to be tolerant, peaceful, so these are miscreants right? We are good with our defence. But is it again not the same? The next time we point fingers to Islam, we would do well to remember that miscreants soil each cult, each creed, every religion, all societies. We need to make sure that we do not blame a whole sect of people. Why, we know they could blame us back with as much right?
Let me share my experience.When the Terrorists attacked Mumbai recently,I was livid as everyone alse and sorry for the victims.
ReplyDeleteWith the benefit of hindsight,I can safely aver that,had the Jewish Center not been targeted my anger would have been substantially less.
This is my confession.
BUT,I am unrepentent.
I admit perceptions don't change unless attitudes like these hold sway.
But,then again,I am unrepentant.
No two -isms can be connected. I totally agree with you.